venerdì 21 ottobre 2016

Alois compagnia creativa

Is online my latest stop motion created for Alois Compagnia creativa, a fabbric company
Realized by me and Claudia Tittarelli with our classic dose of crazyness!
And to know more about the company here the link

Finalmente online l'ultima fatica!! 
Una stopmotion sulla creazione dei tessuti per "Alois Compagnia creativa"
Ideato e animato da me e Claudia Tittarelli con la nostra solita dose di follia! 
E per scoprirne di più ecco il sito della compagnia creativa

click on the picture to see the video

giovedì 20 ottobre 2016

Radio Colore Artbook

Animation is a flow 
You perceive the entire piece but you can't see what's inside
The animation realized for Radio Colore use this principle. You can follow every movement even if each frame is drawn in a different style.

Enjoy the artbook (click on the picture to see the book)

Click on this link to see the video

martedì 11 ottobre 2016

Ayoosh and Yoosee

I've worked in Zagreb for Ayoosh and Yoosee, a series for children to discover the lullaby songs around the world. Was a nice atmosphere and great person to work with!  

Et voilà... Online the first two episodes of Ayoosh and Yoosee animated by me and the croatian team!



I've worked for a bit on this web series: U-hugs, dolls creatide by Giochi preziosi
Was a  great experience in Inkymind studio in Milan with a cool team!
This is a short animation reel of the project

You can find all the episodes with the final render here

Radio Colore

I'm so glad to come back for a bit on 2D tecnique for this spot realized to promote a new web radio
Radio Colore
I hope you like it!
(click on the picture to see it)